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núverandi staða: Framleiðandi slóð>उत्पादनहरू देखाउनुहोस्>Q345B cold drawn square pipe>Q345B थ्रेड कोरिएको वर्ग ट्युब

Q345B थ्रेड कोरिएको वर्ग ट्युब

Vörulýsing Aðrar tillögur
Q345B cold drawn square pipe has good stability and is a composite structure. इपोक्सी रेसिन कोटिङ केन्द्र पुन: बल गरिएको स्टेल पाइप गरिएको छ ।यो संरचनाको संयोजन स्टेल पाइपलाई राम्रो स्थिर हुने अनुमति दिन्छ ।The pipe is not only not easy to corrode in the face of various corrosive media, but also has a relatively stable expansion coefficient, so the cold drawn square pipe is not easy to deform after use and can effectively extend the service life of the pipeline system.
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